What is virtual physiotherapy?
Virtual physiotherapy is an extension of the same quality care you receive when coming into one of our clinics. Our team has adapted to the ever changing situation and is now offering creative and simple solutions for overcoming physical distancing. We like to think of it as Face-Time for physios! Each session entails three simple principles:
Pain Discovery
Each session will begin similarly to an in-person session. The physiotherapist will obtain your full medical history and identify the cause of your pain. You may be asked to show your range of motion, complete certain exercises, or other activities - same as we do during in-person sessions!
Patient Education
Each session will include educating you on your injury and how to help your body heal. Through conversation we can help you understand your injury, how to prevent future injuries and most importantly what you can do to help you recover!
Active Healing
Near the end of our session we will provide you with some active healing exercises. These are the exact same exercises prescribed during our in-person sessions and strive to actively help improve range of motion, reduce pain and recover.

Make your appointment by calling the office or emailing the office below. We may have an appointment available today!
Request for Appointment
Once your appointment is confirmed you will be asked to complete the online intake forms. Complete all the necessary forms and upload back to us.
Your physiotherapist will then contact you with a link to a virtual treatment room. Each virtual room is encrypted and secured to HIPAA standards. Any phone, iPad or laptop with a camera works!
Your physiotherapist will join your treatment room and enable video conferencing and audio transmission.
Once your session ends you will be emailed your active healing plan along with an invoice and directions for payment. If you have insurance please let us know and we can discuss our billing process.
Virtual Physiotherapy
Easy. Simple. At home.